BeOnIt optimises Time To Market and provides increased elasticity and scalability to applications
BeOnIt offers a digital platform for its Headhunting and Outsourcing services. To streamline the development of internal tools, BeOnIt partnered with AstroKube to migrate their platform to a Hybrid Cloud architecture, adopting Kubernetes and other Cloud Native technologies.

Creating a platform that meets the required load and reducing the time it takes to deploy new applications
BeOnIt's platform was hosted on virtual machines and could not provide the elasticity and scalability required for hosted applications. In addition, the deployment of new applications within the platform required manual processes, critically increasing Time To Market.

Migration to a Cloud Native platform and automation of key processes
AstroKube designed a Kubernetes-based Cloud Native architecture for BeOnIt and planned the migration from the legacy platform. The provisioning of the platform was automated with Infrastructure As Code technologies, and the provisioning of the applications with GitOps technologies.
Optimization of Time To Market, as well as elasticity and scalability advances to applications
With the new platform, BeOnIt has drastically reduced the Time To Market when deploying new applications, and has improved the scalability, elasticity and observability of its platform, as well as reducing the operational cost.